A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

besides the state of our extremely chaotic world, everything is fine.

It doesn’t seem that long ago that things were not this crazy. In fact, it seems that about 5 years ago, things were not this crazy. NOT THIS CRAZY. I repeat.

We had a calm guy for a president of the US. He followed process and when he made an announcement, it was over something extremely important – not this nonsense of tweeting things every day, sometimes many times a day (or night) – taunting people or firing them – using social media.

But there were always those who fed him into their conspiracy theory machine, certain that he was the spawn of evil – and when you think about it, there has always been a conspiracy theory machine. Always.

There was probably some sort of caveman conspiracy theory – like lights in the night sky appearing out of nowhere — or big green lizards who ate people — or that the world was flat and that you would fall off of it into some sort of terror-packed place, somewhere off the cliff of the edge of the world.

Jesus help us.

It’s a relief to travel, to get away from all of this for a bit…but you find that this narcissistic monster is the topic of conversation everywhere you go. Everyone is so curious. People away from here have their own opinions and there is no end to the spin.

And… what can we say? We’re sorry… We’re embarrassed…

Compare and contrast. It would be good to know how many who voted for him are sorry they did. I’d imagine that when asked if “she whose name is rarely spoken” was running again, she likely said “NO FUCKING WAY.”

But, it was reported more politely than that “she” would not be running again. Why would she? Who wants to endure that torture? I wouldn’t.

So many opponents are stepping up on the other side – but, who can beat the monster? That is the question. Will they be able to come together to defeat this horrid man and his reign of terror? If they don’t what will the next 4 years be like?

Thinking about history, there were despots who ruled for literally decades – and the families of despots who were full of the same stuff from which the despots were made. Take “Kim” for example. There’s a piece of work. And his father before him. Holy Moly! And he is just a kid.

This is the stuff of science fiction horror fantasies, and yet, you can’t make this shit up. “This is some weird shit!” Saith “W” at the Inauguration that was attended by the exaggerated number of people. Lying pieces of shit is what I say. And yes, weird, thanks for that insight, “W”!

Ask someone why they support this abomination of a president. The answers are from Fox News. Everyone’s source of predigested opinion… There is a list of “reasons” – probably must have a login to access it.

Think of it. He is – a veritable cartoon – and not a nice one – who sits in the seat, but resembles no other president – even “Tricky Dick” looks less like a dick than this guy – “Dick” pales by comparison – and he was, at the time, a very upsetting creepy guy who, if not stopped, could have done some unsavory things – geezy-weezy – probably nothing like this. He couldn’t have thought of this. He may have been unstable, but he wasn’t “MENTAL” most of the time. Not like this guy.

And, Tricky Dick wasn’t able to play “video games” on a whim. And he probably didn’t stay up all night drinking Diet Coke, in his bathrobe, tweeting away. This guy could blow up the planet if given half a chance – or cause it to be blown up… The insight is that most people have now recognized him for what he is and are no longer shocked at what he does. It’s more of an eye rolling exercise these days. You can see it in the eyes of the beholders. They say “Seriously? Just stop now. You’re ridiculous.” At least that’s what they want to say… You can tell.

It’s like an episode out of the Twilight Zone. Seriously. What was the one where everyone had to be nice to the little boy because if he imagined something horrible happening to someone, it would happen?

The recent op-ed by James Comey was chilling – his assertion that the behavior of the cabinet members changes in order to survive – or else, they’re out. They either resign or get kicked out by the king of turds. Nobody seems to have the bravery to band together to stop this miserable excuse of a human being – even the party members of the legislature are unable to stand without fear – it’s a truly Adolf situation. When, if they all banded together and said, “enough already”, he couldn’t do a thing to them. Or could he? I keep waiting to hear that somewhere, there are bodies buried. Gangstas.

Just who supports him now? That’s the question. What is the profile of voters or would-be voters?

I have a good idea… But, at any rate, it suffices to say that we are going to have to press ourselves into voting with our core values in huge numbers (the reasonable ones) – or else… who knows?