A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

he’s gone. whew!


“The Donald” came and went through our town last night.  After causing traffic congestion, heat exhaustion and one broadcasted arrest, he departed and went on his way to spread “evil-dust and ill will” throughout the nation of haters that are his fans.

Moving right along, it was poetic drama to see the image of a car wreck with the headliner “Protesters gather outside Trump rally in The Woodlands” on our local news station’s news feed.

He is indeed a “car wreck”… more like a “train wreck” or worse.

We hope that he is not voted in.  If he is, the implications could be enormous.  He could ruin our nation as he has ruined his other “businesses” by his impulsive nature, his inability to control his tongue, and his drive to incite anger in people, and for that he gets A++ on his report card – and this is not a good thing.