A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

Being on this planet…for a while…Does your head in. Seriously.

Each year. Every month. Down to the day. Sometimes to the hour or the minute. Our perceptions of change, and sudden realizations, push on our stabilizers. Like a sudden wind that blows you nearly off your feet, you have to be prepared for that. In my observation, people react in different ways…

One. Some people freak out. They just panic. Someone else has to settle them down.

Two. Some people kind of freak out at first, then settle down and sort stuff out. They analyze and examine, and re-examine, until they think they understand as well as they can, then maybe they go outside and ask someone else to help them analyze the situation and sort it out.

Three. Some people say “whatever”, and let the wind blow, holding on, until it settles down, then they move along. They don’t take the time to sort anything out. They just consider it to be “something that either is going to happen regardless, or something that could happen, but it doesn’t matter – it’s out of the reach of control…”

Four. They just simply pray. They don’t do anything but pray. They pray to their God, or their whatever… It depends on where they are in the world.

Five. They say, “Yeah. I’m a shit magnet. Stuff always happens to me. I’m doomed.”

OK, so I think I have the categories pegged. And probably, at different times, some of us react one to many of those ways.

We are all in the family of man, like it or not – you must admit it. We are also survival oriented. It’s in our DNA. We generally cannot help this because we are hard-wired to react mostly that way first, until our culture or something has us altering our basic belief systems and points of reference – that’s were we tend to morph and whether it changes our DNA, or not, it definitely changes our behaviors and our reactions to sudden change in our daily lives. I am convinced of this, 100%.

These are my observations. Right or wrong, “these opinions are not those of the management, but strictly those of the individual”.

There you go.