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As the planet wobbles on its axis, that might explain all the crazy. Maybe not. But something is causing it.

Don’t bother sending in the clowns, they are already here. As if things couldn’t get crazier, they do… every damned day. We thought that the 2016 debacle would play itself out. Well, it hasn’t just yet. It’s as if someone went to let out all the crazies and they are running around doing deadly and crazy things. Depending on which level you view things, this could look like world chaos, or your day to day micro-view is “everything is fine”… until it’s not.

What is the most scary is that it appears that to some, all the unleashing and such is providing “freedom” – but, this isn’t “freedom”, really, as some of this is putting bizarre and rough regulations on some people of the female persuasion, imposed by some people who appear to be religious zealots who have decided that their notion of the rules are the rules, not taking into consideration “religious freedom” – as long as everyone believes in their way, they are entitled to be free* (note the asterisk).

Oh, and that isn’t the only thing. There are the issues with unrestrained access to fire arms. Shooting people – kids in schools – people attending events – and instead of tightening the regulations, they who are in charge loosen them! How does that help? This defies all logic, so don’t even try to work it out – you’ll just end up with a headache. The only thing we can do is VOTE these suckers out of office.

Will people get up off their asses and go vote? Those that care about change? Or will these people make up some excuses about why they don’t have time?

The world is crazy. Some say it’s too late to do anything. But call me silly, I still believe that there is hope out there somewhere for the good of humankind and the planet. We just have to focus on helping and cooperating instead of all the violent contention. God save the planet. God save everything.

Abell 2218, a rich galaxy cluster composed of thousands of individual galaxies