A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

What’s in Your Car? Looking, Examining, Interpreting and Understanding a Universe of Elements AKA Our World

How we look at our world is as various as we are from one individual to another. I recently watched a documentary about what’s in your car – what elements are within its materials – that described that each “thing” that the earth contains within or on it, has existed always in our universe – that there is the continual process of the ongoing reconfiguration of elements, that have always been – somehow, or daily life consists of what our DNA configures us to do, day in and day out, multiple times from sunrise to sunrise in a cyclical fashion.Marthas Photos003

We progress by discovering more of these elements and by becoming more sophisticated in our manipulation and configurations of them through time.

We know this as technology development, a named overarching set of activities towards this end.   It represents many intents, mainly making order out of chaos in a perception world that is becoming increasingly described in a virtual way.  We call this “modeling” or virtual worlds.

Communication has always been, and follows a similar progression path to that of the elements. More expressive and virtual, communication enables beings to cooperate, and sustain by lending understanding of essential knowledge based on experience or for more critical situations, help in filling gaps of understanding of diagnosis and of interpretations that not all beings can understand.

Values are placed on elements and expressions as well as the more clever manipulations and configurations of them. What we describe as “work” is treated as a multi-level activity hierarchy that consolidates behaviors and actions into groups, types, and levels of sophistication.  Heady stuff.

Pleasure or pain, celebrating the entry or lamenting the losses of certain forms and beings are a part of this period that we experience described universally as “life” by various words that translate to that same meaning.

However, ironically, we are clueless to the actual “meaning of life”. For addressing this, some utilize “science” which is a more “technical” view and some utilize “faith” and the various “belief systems” to bring themselves closer to an understanding of this “meaning of life”.  We are in many ways, in many faith groups, seeking to understand the sunrise and sunset of our lives, and what it all means in the context of our universe.

In the meantime, there is what exists here – and love is a huge part of it.  The heartbreaking aspects of hurt and anguish in our lives are assuaged by love and its variable nature.  We know that love exists, as we feel it – just as we are able to feel God and the presence of the envelope that holds us here.  Our higher consciousness has been attained by meditation and prayer, which gives us insight into the existence of this state.

Thunderheads From Above

I had these thoughts on an airplane, recently, as I often do.  Might be the air quality or the altitude – whatever, these flowed into my mind… I had to capture them.  That program that I watched was quite good.

It got me to thinking…