A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

observations. squeezing or collaborating?

Competition. Humans are hard-wired to compete. It is in our DNA as we have evolved into more sophisticated competitive spaces – for all of those streams that give us the ability to survive, at the most basic innate levels, we have various mechanisms inside us that drive us to compete.

Populations are growing. Food, water, and shelter sources are threatened. Weather is becoming more erratic and threatening to human populations. What we are witnessing is change. Fractional evolution going backwards to more tribal less global.

Why is this? Economic. Oppression. Suppressed feelings from ages back where our ancestors held rage and the festering over generations occurred to this point. License to rage by leaders who rage.

Where are we now? Facing serious historic changes – and it is happening everywhere. Some places more dramatic than others. Where are we headed? This remains to be seen.

For every dismal forecast, there is the forecast of the possibility of hope. When we are at our lowest points, we have fewer expectations for the broader scope. Small steps towards hope vs. large leaps towards some nirvana. Perhaps more down to earth. More realistic.

People without food or resources see any food or resources differently than those who say, “What shall I cook for dinner tonight?” Children without toys, see imaginative play in any object whereas children with many toys get bored easily at times because they are overwhelmed with choices and their minds are numbed to be able to make them.

Nothing like something life threatening to crystallize your opinions about the value of life – and what comes after. On a spiritual journey some of us have gone down variant paths to find that the journey we thought we were on wasn’t what we thought it was. Lose your religion? It happens. Looking for birds of a feather? It is deep within our human core to seek out other humans to enable ourselves to feel less lonely. Yet loneliness can occur even if you are with someone if there is distance or estrangement.

Now more than ever, we need to have the capabilities to be prepared for what happens next. We have deluded ourselves into thinking that “everything will be all right” when suddenly, it looks as if our worst nightmares are coming true. But hope and pleas for sanity to prevail are two things that we who see the situation for what it is to be, carry around within our selves and act upon.

It is a dark time. Zero Dark Thirty. Not quite the 11th hour, but that will come soon. Despite sunny days, it is dark right now. What we hope for is that there will be light after the darkness.