A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

I am a grandmother now.

As much as I can’t get my mind wrapped around the fact:  I am a grandmother.  It takes a lot to become a grandmother, but your work really is over years and you tick the boxes as you, yourself, have children, and then they have children.  When you look at it, you cannot do this alone – it requires multiple partnerships to evolve and produce the succession of relationships that eventually produce this perfect little human being that unless you are weird, you fall in love with immediately.

You also realize that this little perfect human being is in control of everyone and everything around him.  Wonder if he is thinking “what can I get all these people to do, next?”  He is pretty good at having us believe that he is in immediate need of (you have multiple choice here) eating, pooping, rocking, cooing, being held, being snuggled, back rubbed, burped, diaper changed… the list goes on.

IMG_6587It is fun, from the grandmother perspective, to watch this evolve.  You have lots of emotions and feelings about this – you are constantly wondering who this little perfect human being that you have fallen in total love with looks like… and then he changes and you have actually only known him a little over a week, but he is growing like a weed… you are just in awe of him.

Right now, it’s new to me and I know it will become more settled over time – but really, it’s a pretty cool situation!  I just wish that I could see him every day…
