A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

astrology forecast

ellens-astrology-chartAstrology Forecast: “be wary of your Facebook feeds today – Mercury is in a tenuous position – there may be those feeds inserted by media marketers designed to throw you off track emotionally or try to influence you – check sources – do your own research and do not believe predigested news that you have not used your own mind to evaluate properly and consider”
Yes, you may have forgotten how to do this – to use your own brain to THINK! Do not lose heart – it is still within you to use your own brain equipment to think for yourself – ASK yourself, if you read these items:  “is this reasonable and fact based?”
Like writing in cursive, this “thinking for yourself” is becoming a lost art – “group-think” is trying to take over and your brain is getting lazy and sleepy if you let that happen to it –
Fear not! You are human! (unless you are a dog reading this – or a cat…) You do have this capability (still) if you simply let yourself use your OWN brain (and not that of some pundit!) – you can avoid reading those upsetting things pushed in front of your nose, designed to upset you by media marketers (yes, this is true – check it out – just google it!) You can shut off the noise by right-clicking the entry and choosing “I don’t want to see this” – or clicking “the X on your browser tab” to banish the upsetting content, or shutting your browser or closing an app or turning off that awful yelling and anxiety producing garble that comes from your television!

Disconnect from the internet!  Why do you trust WikiLeaks and those that hack into people’s emails?  Are you a voyeur?  It seems that way.  The reality is that they are thieves.  They steal stuff – do you trust a burglar?  Really?  Simply that’s what they do:  hack and steal other people’s stuff – passwords, emails, bank account info, medical records, God only knows what else – and you choose to trust them – there IS INDEED something wrong with how your brain has become…  Something terribly wrong.  
But you cannot help yourself these days, it’s everywhere – pushed at you constantly!  …then you go read it and use it to influence your thoughts and your actions – can you validate that they are not making this up?  C’mon.  Think about it!  Really?
What if it was your e-mail that they hacked into?  How would you like that?  And you support this?  Yes you do, by reading and trusting that this is a true source.  Just because they say they took it from somewhere does not make it true.
Just turn that TV off and notice the peacefulness that ensues – you will feel suddenly calmer… wow – how is that? Go put that mobile device in a drawer for a few hours – or for a real treat and some peace, a whole day! Wow – you might not remember how it was before all of this onslaught of noise into your life from every direction!
Stop and take a pause. Try to remember when things were less crazy.  Can you?
DadAndLittleMeAge3orSo copyThink of the person in your life whose logic and judgement is (or was) solid – what would they do? I think of my Dad.  He would debunk everything that was like what we see on the news today – the conspiracy theories, especially.  Heck, he even thought that organized religions were a sign of weakness at times in his life.  He questioned EVERYTHING that any group pushed out.  He called it propaganda – a word from WWII that was an indicator of what enemies were telling their citizens to have them rise up and support the war – people like Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, and others who attacked the US and its people – and at times people like Joseph McCarthy and the John Birch Society perpetrated vast conspiracy theories because they were afraid and felt that people were out to get them.  It takes people off track to ask them to believe 100% in something that, when you really think it out, would be quite difficult for anyone to achieve – as a very wise man, Mahatma Gandhi said, “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”  
And he also said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” as well as, “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”  
Start simple. Know that big changes do not happen quickly to the masses. In YOUR reality, how do you think this or that conspiracy theory that people are desperately trying to get you to believe would play out? If you were “them who would do this to you and yours” how would you actually do whatever it is that you fear the most? the main thing is to use your brain to THINK and not REACT – and certainly, not to PANIC…
If you PANIC, everyone around you will either think that you are nuts, or they will panic too – do you want to be a part of that? Seriously?  Think about it.  Be the calm.  Inject reason and rationality.  Stem the tide.
You have control of you and only you.