A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

enter, the new ellenspictures

the old ellenspictures versions were really only the beginning of my show and tell, mainly a way to have an online photo gallery of my friends and family, as well as favorite or notable places and events.

the last version (ellenspictures v.2) of the old site looked like the page below – but it was not the original that began in 2004.  That one was the first attempt at building a web-site – using the old Yahoo Site Builder – and not very elegant!

what the old site looked like…

we indeed must move on.  new generations.  new events in our lives that remind us of the constant change that is life.

2004-04-Will-Rob-CarshowBWas things evolve with us humans as we get older and have more ideas (grin.), maybe we change our minds and decide to do something different, more appropriate to the times.Gus and El_14

i enjoy writing and telling stories.  i enjoy photography and messing around with my digital photos.  i really enjoy the connections with friends and family

Mimi and Sonny in their better days...
Mimi and Sonny in their better days…

that the recent day web brings to us.  this isn’t a facebook site, nor is it anything to substitute for any other social networking – it is just stuff that i want to write about, and pictures that i want to post that are maybe less in the way of those social networking sites…  maybe on the path in the woods, a little less traveled.  we will see.

ellen – january 25, 2014