A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

There are times…

Sometimes I sign on to do things, with great exuberance, after which I say, “what was I thinking?”  Not always, mind you, but sometimes it just happens that way.  It is a human thing, I believe, to want to do certain things that are new and exciting, but then you get into it and you think, “I really don’t want to do this.  It is not what I thought it would be like (doing this).”  We are poor estimators of things like effort and how much time it takes to do new things.

Conceptually, we think that this takes this much time, the next part takes another amount of time, and so on.  Sometimes there is the unforeseen whatever that crops up and takes you down a rabbit hole where time really speeds up (or stands still, if you are waiting…) – or you get to where you have to do ten more things than you thought originally, just to get ready to do that one thing that you thought might take five minutes – instead it takes five days!  Argh!

Right now time zips by.  It just does not seem that there is enough of it around.  I think that there is some sort of accelerator that is making my time clock speed up.  Seriously.  Every year goes by really fast.  I have heard other people talk about this, but I don’t think that I am ever going to understand it.

Oh well, so it goes.  I suppose it is better than the alternatives – soak it up, right?

Guess I had better get out from in front of this damned computer!  It will suck your brain away if you let it!