A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

No. I’m not upset. I just get this way sometimes.

It’s a crazy world these days. Tech has become overly complicated. Support is thin. Chat-bots (not very good ones) try to handle the questions but are geared for less initiated people than me. It’s frustrating. You get a person on the line and THEY need help to give you help.

Often not local, they are low paid and scared shitless, deathly afraid of making a mistake. They don’t give their names, yet you have to give them yours – sometimes sensitive information for “security” purposes. The MFA can be its own worst enemy (or yours!)

It can take talking to multiple people to get to an answer, if then. You may be thinking, “how on earth can I get help? What are these people in charge of this thinking?” No contact with reality. What do they think you have – endless time? I don’t.

I often get so frustrated I blow my stack which I know isn’t nice and I feel terrible about later. They are just trying to do their jobs and they are probably doing their best and can’t help the system in which they work that was devised by some “geniuses” somewhere else far away.

After awhile, I call time and just say nevermind. Today, I was told that my issue would be resolved quickly – 24 hours! Yikes. That’s quickly? And I pay for this with a premium support plan? Really?

Or you have to go through five techs to get to someone who can help. That’s fun. I sit and hold up fingers. One, two, three, four, five, six! At least some of them are better than others – smoother in the transitions and the calls don’t get dropped – the dreaded dial tone… Argh. Or silence of the dropped call…”hello? Hello? Hello? You’re not there, are you?” As if they would answer from the deep… Sure.

I end up helping myself nowadays more often than not, just banging through the old troubleshooting ways I’ve honed since the dawn of time… Permissions. Files. Wrongly formed paths. Misdirected links. Something blocking something else. Yeah. Nothing changes much. Sigh.

No, I won’t go get a job doing the thankless job of tech support. Why? Because of people like me! I’m their worst nightmare. Sadly. I need to think about being extra nice especially to the nice ones – the surly ones, not so much…