A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

We could ask the rest of the world to ignore the man…the trouble is…it doesn’t work that way.

What was it that Mahatma Gandhi said?

“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”

Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi: An autobiography

We have to keep doing what he says. Remember that. It’s just like a little kid that is kind of a mess… always getting into trouble… then, he grows up (or she), and he’s the one you hear about who is always wrecking the cars, or doing really impulsive stupid things – barely escaping with his or her life every time.

Then, it may be that they have something that happens that is a wake-up call – they get back onto some sort of sensible track. But, then, sometimes, they don’t. They just keep doing things that everyone, when they hear about it, they are not surprised. They just roll their eyes and go, “OK, that’s “so in so” – that’s just how he is…”

Well, somehow the so-in-so managed to make it into being the so-called leader of the land here. OOPS. Now, he is like a bull in a China closet. Or maybe he is like someone from the Twilight Zone who everyone has to walk around on eggshells – just so he doesn’t get upset and hurt people. Its like that.

He and his gang of dark soldiers are now hurting people – innocent people. Children. People who are looking to get away from horrible circumstances – where once upon a time, it was “Give me your tired, your poor…yearning to be free…” and we representing liberty and freedom. Not that long ago, this was how it was… and it was for a long time back – but under the covers, people haven’t really felt that way.

No, they actually have lied about how they felt. They actually professed themselves to be Christians, and do all of what they do in the name of Christ . Oh my. I can’t believe some of the twisted things that people say – and think – that this guy is some sort of prophet? Hello? What have they been smoking? Oh. My. God… Help us all.

Let’s just say that this is not what I ever expected. My parents and grandparents would be in total shock over this. I’m certain of it.