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what everybody needs – anger management

A world gone mad – why?  Because there are a high number of angry people in the world who for one reason or the other have forgotten (if they ever knew) how to behave and how to control their anger.  I understand anger.  It isn’t as if I am saying “don’t be angry”.  It really is about getting the anger under control before it spills out and hurts people.  It is about taking personal responsibility for your shit, and not acting out at people just because you don’t like something.  You should have learned this as a child, but you didn’t or else you forgot.

looming clouds
looming clouds

The headlines – mass shootings – domestic violence – Donald Trump’s popularity – all of these support the notion that anger management is needed.  Perhaps a spray in the air?  “Anger-Begone”.  Perhaps you have to attend anger management class before you get your drivers’ license or your next renewal – your passport – your insurance might require it – I mean, how many ways could we make certain that people have skills to control their anger?  There are lots of ways.  Classes in school – elementary through graduation – classes in college – why not?  Nothing else is working.  It shouldn’t interfere with everyone’s rights or freedom.  Who could argue that this would be at least something towards a solution for “the world gone mad” problem that we seem to have.

If most people knew how to control their anger, and appropriately deal with it vs. shooting people or blowing stuff up, then it could solve a lot of problems in the world and the money being spent on that stuff could be used for something else.  Imagine.

But this idea might get push-back from someone like Trump, whose whole platform is built around “anger” and using extreme solutions to solve anything or everything that sound like a six year old playing with blocks or locking the door of his room.  All those “angry people” are going to elect him to be King (uh, I mean POTUS, not KING) – King would be like Elvis, and he is not really here anymore, except the look-alike Elvis impersonators in Vegas… which is about the level of “universe” that planet Donald resides within.

It’s pretty crazy around here – it’s a mad mad mad world….