A Gallery of Thoughts, Pictures, and Memories

How many ways can we do “wrong” and get ourselves in deep doo-doo?

This is serious.  Ebola.  In Texas?  Yes.  In Texas.

Kind of playing out in a not so good way…  Watch this space.  Guy gets on plane.  Travels across the big pond.  Visits family and friends, and some little kids are included, of course.  Starts feeling punk.  Goes to ER.  “Go home and drink fluids, and call if you don’t get better…

Still a mystery as to why no one paid attention to the fact that the guy came from one of the countries where there is an Ebola outbreak…  HELLO?

Apparently, no one asks this guy with a not so Texas accent, is he visiting?  From where?  You would have thought the people doing the insurance biopsy would have picked up on that!  Or if they did, they did not communicate it to the doctors…  Hell no.  Even if they did, they didn’t pass it along.

Dumbasses.  Liberia?  Hello?  Watch the news EVER?  Know were this IS?

Leave it to our glued up contorted health care system that is still not fixed… Thanks for trying… Watch this space.

Ted Cruz, “the genius” congressman from Texas, is (of course) demanding that they close the borders…  MRI, X-RAY, SCANS – Keep ‘Em OUT!!!  Thanks, Ted.  As always…  Great guy, Ted… NOT.

But there is some calm logic also.  People who study this day in and day out have given some facts to date… here

Here is the update on the Dallas situation…  The poor fellow has passed on…  Sad, sad tragedy.  Unbelievably sad in dimensions that most “westernized cultures” do not understand.  Provincial thinking does not work in a globalized society.  We’re there dude.  Too late to turn back… A discussion for another day.

Can our fractured and flawed “system” as it is, cope with this any better than countries in Africa?  Or will our prejudices, our political system, our stubbornly complex attitudes that combine arrogance and ignorance, plus our reeeeeallly poor healthcare system and all that this has introduced into situational awareness and emergency response cause a debacle of proportions the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetimes?

What are we doing?  Hatching a plan “B”…

Pray.  Its all we can do to help those who don’t have a clue about anything but their own little block in their own little town.  Rant du jour.

Watch this space…